The Falcon 5X, the latest jet by Dassault Aviation

After six years of labor, the Dassault Aviation Group has unveiled, on the 21st of October during the NBAA (National Business Aviation Association) in Las Vegas, its brand new business jet: the Falcon 5X.

The Falcon 5X has just completed the business aircrafts range of the French Group Dassault, becoming consequently the most advanced and trendiest of the Falcon family.

The Falcon 5X, absolute comfort
This business jet is a new generation large range that can accommodate up to 8 passengers and 3 staff members on a distance of 9600 km without stopover.
Unlike the old model (SMS), the Falcon 5X is not a business jet of super Mid-sized category. In fact it’s a long haul business aircraft of incredible comfort:
– A spacious cabin of 50 m3, mainly the largest on the market, with a “zenithal porthole”, one of the newest innovations of the aircraft that brings in natural lighting. Another innovation: the Falcon Cabin HD+ system allowing wireless content management (TV, iPad, multimedia server, iTunes media center, videos…). At last, an advanced air filter system giving the possibility to maintain easy breathing, is equipping genuinely the Falcon 5X.
-An extremely modern flight deck equipped of a 3rd generation Easy cockpit, ensures a better piloting experience with four wide angle windows, a large seating and a real time maintenance controlling system, enhancing visual perspective, comfort and pilots’ concentration.

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