Nissan Zeod RC hits 300 km/h on Mulsanne Straight [VIDEO]

Nissan's ZEOD RC has recorded the highest ever speed by an electric vehicle at Le Mans with Japanese ace Satoshi Motoyama reaching 300km/h on the Mulsanne Straight in qualifying for the Le Mans 24 Hours.

Motoyama reached the speed on his electric run, achieving one the key goals of the unique prototype which features a dual electric/internal combustion engine powertrain featuring a pair of 110kW electric motors along with a remarkable 40 kg, 400 horsepower 1.5 liter three-cylinder turbo engine.

The ZEOD (zero emissions on demand) permits the driver to switch back and forth between the two power sources.

Motoyama achieved the target on his first run in the car after he missed out on driving on Wednesday night to a gearbox issue in the first session and a series of session-stopping red flags during the night.

"I drove ZEOD at Le Mans for the first time and instantly we were able to reach our target to run at more than 300km/h with electric power only," Motoyama said.

"I was so surprised with the speed and power of electricity and it felt great. In yesterday’s session we had some trouble with the gearbox in the first session then we had a heap of red flag periods and I didn’t get the chance to get into the car.

"But the guys on the team did a great job to fix the car and I and I was able to get started tonight right at the green flag tonight.

“Our first target of the top speed of 300 km/h with electric power is done and I think that was a really good first step."

Motoyama along with GT Academy winners Lucas Ordóñez and Wolfgang Reip all drove multiple stints aboard the ZEOD tonight - each recording their mandatory five night laps.

The Nissan ZEOD RC competes at Le Mans this week in "Garage 56" - an additional entry for vehicles showcasing new and innovative technology.

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